The Strategy
Our Strategy aims at cooperating with the university libraries and the scientific institutions in the local and international levels, and improving the library standards and promoting the levels of research and training researchers and students and preparing them to access specialized information, to help them in conduction their research and to improve their knowledge comprehensively and to keep base with the advancements of knowledge.
The Library Collection contains more than (34.000) of titles or around 60.000 books as text books , references, dictionaries and Master theses in Arabic and English languages. All the materials of the library are computerized by the (ILS) integrated library system Koha ( open source ) . The library also subscribes to (30) paper journals in both Arabic and English languages distributed according to the major subjects in the Master and Bachelor Degrees.
The library Catalogue is available through the website link of the university and the same as to MEU Theses to the following link
One of the most important departments in the library is the Electronic Library. It is equipped with computers connected with the internet. The library subscribes with the following databases ( all of below can be access through the E-Learning of MEU Site )
(Proquest) for theses and dissertation and it contains 2.4 million title full text.
Jordan University Theses ( Abstracts )
Dar Al Mandumah for theses and dissertations ( Full Text )
Emerald for e- journals for business.
Ebsco for e- journals for all fields of knowledge more than 24.000 title.
Ebrary for e-books and it contains around 140.000 title.
AskZad for e-books , theses and e-journals in Arabic and English
Adalah for Law college.
.The library uses the Anglo American Cataloguing Rules, the Dewey decimal classification edition 22 in both paper and electronic forms and International Standard Bibliographic Description.